From a local blog, ARLnow:
"Monday Properties plans to tear down buildings at 1401 Wilson Blvd and 1400 Key Blvd in the Rosslyn, VA neighborhood, to make way for new mixed use development.”
"The parking garage below the buildings will be a casualty of the eventual redevelopment. Forty years ago, Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward met a source dubbed 'Deep Throat' — later revealed to be FBI official Mark Felt — in the garage, which was chosen because it was considered an 'anonymous secure location.' The information Felt passed on to Woodward helped expose the Watergate scandal, which led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1974. A sign outside the garage marks the location. Monday Properties says it expects the marker to stay even after the garage is removed."
The garage's location and Deep Throat's identity were secrets for 30 years until
2005 when Woodward wrote The Secret
Man: The Story of Watergate's Deep Throat.
Imagine if the NSA had the tools
then that they have today. The scandal never would have been uncovered. Nixon
would have remained in office--and would be hailed as one of the greatest
Presidents of all time--even though he practiced “every dirty trick in the book.”
Woodward would have been prosecuted for espionage and the Washington Post would
have lost press access to the White House conferences and executive-approved
If our NSA/CIA/FBI could do then what
they do now there wouldn't even be a Watergate story because surely the
reporter would have been tagged by his cellphone, his license plate, or surveillance
cameras. The source would have been
thrown in prison for leaking info to the press under some provision of the
"Patriot Act" or various Espionage Acts. The garage would have been stamped "TOP
SECRET" and sealed off decades ago.
One of the most constitutionally
important events in US history simply never would have happened.
Our current NSA/CIA/FBI systems are
every authoritarian's dream--absolute power and control over every form of global
digital communication. It is all at any President's disposal--every minute
slice of it that he theoretically can, and therefore eventually will—use to muffle
or distort the speech of any citizen or reporter he chooses.
It is not a question of if, but
when, if not already. Remember Project SHAMROCK that illegally obtained and read
copies of many Americans' telegrams until exposed by congressional
investigators in the mid-1970s or the FAMILY JEWELS REPORT revealing, with the
full knowledge of Attorney General Robert Kennedy, that the CIA in 1963
illegally eavesdropped on two unnamed Washington reporters who had been
publishing leaks of classified information?
The scary part is that now it's all legal...